Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reflection 2

I like the idea of using a wiki to post information about books or to share writing that students have done in school. The librarian at my school and I are actually doing something with my community of students. We are having them read some new books that we have in the library from the ORCA series. They are lower level texts that focus mainly on plot and action without all the fluff. The students are reading these and then we are going to co-teach a lesson on how to write a review of the book and how to use the wiki to post the information for other poeple to read about. This is actually going to be really helpful for my Young Adult Literature class that I am taking where we are reading and giving our opinion about the books. This way we get student feedback and we even get to teach them about a new type of technology that they can use to publish their ideas. Right now the students are just reading the books and then in January they will begin working on the reviews. I am excited to see how this turns out.


Harriet said...

The idea of going over the book in lesson form and using the wiki to share is a wonderful idea. The students will be able to say how they feel about the book and perhaps share the knowledge with others in a way that they can understand. I am sure that the feedback would be so useful to you for the next class that this is offered to and I would love to see this when it is finished. This idea would be wonderful at the High School as they have many books,stories and novels to read in the school year.

Unknown said...

I love this idea! I can't wait to see how it all plays out for you and your students.