Tuesday, February 5, 2008

School 2.0

What strikes me most about this map are all the things that you can do to incorporate technology. All the little comments in the middle of the map are what interest me the most. I love the idea of having ebooks and computer programs to help kids with reading. I think that having students communicate with each other online is a wonderful way to immerse them in technology and education. I think technology can help kids become life-long learners. I would definitely keep the parent involvement piece of this map. I love the idea of having parents be able to be a part of online activities and also having them be able to access their child's grade from home. This would save the district a lot of time and money because they wouldn't have to worry about progress reports and report cards. I guess I wouldn't change anything,. In a perfect world I would wish that we had unlimited funds to do what we needed to do for kids to help them learn better.


Miss Blackwood said...

The parent component is a great one. Some parents always want to know how their child is doing. This might get more parents involved in their child education. It's not always possible for them to come to school, but a click away, they could learn so much about their child. If on a business trip or unable to come to curriculum night, they can access this information via technology. When their child is sick or taking an extended family vacation, lessons and homework can be easily accessible.

LadySaint said...

In a perfect world, all kids would have computers and internet access at home -- which is not the case -- yet. I also love the parent internet cafe -- what a cool idea! For those that don't know enough about technology, I would see this as a learning environment -- not free internet access -- but a place to keep up with what's going on in the world. Maybe parents would be more positive about the WWW if they were better educated themselves.